Re: Resource Autodeployment

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 09:00:54 -0500

More progress to note, and an API conundrum. I've chased down all the
moving parts, I think, and here's my understanding of things. The
Autodeployer currently finds all of the archives in the autodeploy
directory, and gets a list of all the Sniffers running in the system. The
Autodeployer then creates a ReadableArchive Object from the File
representing the archive, and passes that to each Sniffer's handles()

Armed with that knowledge, I see a problem: an XML is not an archive. To
solve that, I see a few solutions. The first is to create a new
ReadableArchive type that clones the semantics of the ReadableArchive, but
does some trickery to make it work with/on an XML file. I don't really like
this, as it makes the semantics of the interface lie. :)

The second option is to create a JAR file on the fly, then use that in the
same manner that other archives are. This might not be a bad approach, as
that would allow for the single file use case, but also allow us to support
a jar of xml files in the cases where a group of resources might need to be
deployed. I think, though, the second use case there might be better served
by multiple entries in the XML file, though that may just be a style

The third approach I see is to change the Sniffer API to take a File, and,
perhaps, leave it up to the individual Sniffers to create the
ReadableArchives where appropriate. The downside to this, of course, is
that it touches a fair amount of code, and, given my deadline on this, would
take longer to implement. :) If that's the approach deemed most
appropriate, though, I'd rather do The Right Thing.

So...any thoughts/direction on this? I'm hesitant to start on any one
direction until I get something akin to an official position, as I'm in no
position to make that call. :)

Thanks for the feedback! :)

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Jason Lee <> wrote:

> Alrighty. I think that I have the autdeployer fixed up so that it
> doesn't reject non-archive files. I have test-ds.xml and
> mojarra-scales-demo.war in autodeploy/. The war is deployed, and the
> xml file is ignored, as no sniffer claims it (I'm guessing :). I just
> need to see how (and where) the war is handled to figure out how to
> proceed. Once I get the system picking up the XML file, I can then
> work with the relevant GF engineers to work out an appropriate file
> format.
> Can someone point me in the right direction WRT to the sniffer? I've
> done some grepping for strings that might be relevant, but I'm not
> coming up with much. If anyone is interested, I can post a diff
> showing the changes I've made. They're not pretty at the moment, but
> I'll focus on making it pretty when everyone is happy with how things
> work. :P
> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team