Maven Repo Importer

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 10:28:34 -0500

I'm still having trouble getting the maven repo importer to work with my
Mojarra Scales project ( I've made several
shots in the dark, but I've been unable to find the right approach. All of
the docs use CVS, so I'm trying to "port" those to SVN (which I'm guessing I
need to), but gettin' no love from the system. Is there anyone familiar
with that system that can take a look at what I have in my repo and/or build
and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm preparing a beta release and would
REALLY like to have the bits in maven. Thanks! :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team