Hi, Arun
>> first of all, Arun is slightly obsolete :
> It's weird that we have obsolete commands in v3 ;-) I think there
> should be a separate section that lists such commands.
I believe this is documented in the cli commands man page. And if you
try to use deploydir command to deploy in v3, you will see a message
telling you this command is deprecated:
hzhang_at_nmr:~$ ~/files/sun/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploydir
WARNING : deploydir command deprecated. Please use deploy command instead.
Command deploydir executed successfully.
This command will be removed in the next release after v3 (backward
compatibility rule, deprecated in one release and removed in the next).
>> now if the current directory contains a hello.war, a hello.ear and a
>> hello subdirectory, I am not sure that a system choosing the "right"
>> file based on an ordering rule that nobody will know is an advantage.
>> Also considering that most shell do file completion, it's not that
>> much typing after doing a TAB.
> It's still inconsistent to me. Using the same command to undeploy
> whether EAR or WAR sounds still weird, YMMV.
There is no ambiguity in undeploying the application. The ear, war and
other module types share the same name space in server implementation,
so there can only be one application with the registration name "hello"
at one time.
- Hong
>> vince kraemer wrote:
>>> That sounds like a great CLI enhancement, to me.
>>> I hate to type. I love it when a tool "does the right thing", even
>>> if I make a bit of a mistake.
>>> vbk
>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>>> I don't exactly understand the question you are asking in this
>>>>> e-mail...
>>>>> I think you are asking for something like this...
>>>>> If the user enters 'asadmin deploy hello', then the operand will
>>>>> be used as the "root" of a matching scheme...
>>>>> The deploy command would search to see if there was a hello.war or
>>>>> hello.ear or hello.jar or a directory named hello... in some order...
>>>>> The first match found would be deployed.
>>>>> Does that summarize your request correctly... or at least closely?
>>>> Yes
>>>> -Arun
>>>>> I would be a bit concerned about what would happen if there was a
>>>>> file named hello (with no extension)
>>>>> vbk
>>>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>>>> An application is deployed as:
>>>>>> asadmin deploy hello.war or
>>>>>> asadmin deploy hello.ear or
>>>>>> asadmin deploydir hello
>>>>>> and all 3 deployments are undeployed as
>>>>>> asadmin undeploy hello
>>>>>> Now the question ...
>>>>>> Can the deployment be simplified by creating precedence rules and
>>>>>> making the extension redundant ?
>>>>>> -Arun
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