Re: asadmin commands requires a running server

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:24:32 -0700

These are hybrids in that they all contact the server, but are local

start-domain -- contact the server to find out when the server starts
stop-domain -- wait until it can NOT contact the server to know when it
list-commands -- definitely get the list of local commands and maybe get
the list of remote commands

Arun Gupta wrote:
>>> Why asadmin commands require the server running ?
>> because all the commands run on the server (at the exception of a few
>> local command).
> list-commands is listed as Local command:
> -- cut here --
> ********** Local Commands **********
> backup-domain
> create-domain
> delete-domain
> list-commands
> list-domains
> restore-domain
> start-database
> start-domain
> stop-database
> stop-domain
> -- cut here --
> This should be listed as Remote in that case.
>> why do they run on the server ? well think about jruby container
>> which could ship a bunch of dedicated admin commands to manage or
>> configure Rails applications. The client can talk to any installed
>> server of
> If I configure JRuby 1.1 as JRUBY_HOME then currently no additional
> commands are shown. Do you mean a custom JRuby container ?
>> course and because we are so extensible the client cannot know the
>> capabilities on your server (did you install jruby or not, did you
>> install groovy or not) so the command execution request is passed to
>> the server where it it served.
>>> Here is the output for list-commands:
>>> -- cut here --
>>> ~/testbed/glassfish/v3/4_28/glassfish/bin >./asadmin list-commands
>>> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:8080].
>>> Is the server up?
>>> Command list-commands failed.
>>> -- cut here --
>>> Can anybody explain why the output of list-commands (which is most
>>> likely the same list of commands everytime)
>> no that's your mistake here,
> Only partially cause list-commands is listed as local command ;-) You
> need to fix that otherwise it'll give incorrect impressions.
>> depending what you have installed on the server, you will get a
>> different list.
> At least I don't see that happening for a standard JRuby distribution.
>>> cannot be dumped w/o server running ? I'm sure there are other
>>> commands in that category.
>>> Also, the commands are classified as Local & Remote commands. What
>>> is the difference ?
>> local = executed on the client (start-domain, delete-domain and other
>> things that just cannot run on the server)
>> remote = executed on the server.
> As said above, list-commands is listed as local so that's a mistake.
> -Arun
>> jerome
>>> -Arun
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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.