Re: asadmin commands requires a running server

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:50:17 -0700

Arun Gupta wrote:
>>> Why asadmin commands require the server running ?
>> because all the commands run on the server (at the exception of a few
>> local command).
> list-commands is listed as Local command:
> -- cut here --
> ********** Local Commands **********
> backup-domain
> create-domain
> delete-domain
> list-commands
> list-domains
> restore-domain
> start-database
> start-domain
> stop-database
> stop-domain
> -- cut here --
> This should be listed as Remote in that case.
All of the above commands are local meaning, when you execute one of the
abopve commands, it gets executed locally without contacting the server.

Pl. check again, Remote Commands get printed after Local Commands, for ex.

********** Local Commands **********
********** Remote Commands **********
add-resources deploydir
create-auth-realm disable
create-file-user enable

>> why do they run on the server ? well think about jruby container
>> which could ship a bunch of dedicated admin commands to manage or
>> configure Rails applications. The client can talk to any installed
>> server of
> If I configure JRuby 1.1 as JRUBY_HOME then currently no additional
> commands are shown. Do you mean a custom JRuby container ?
>> course and because we are so extensible the client cannot know the
>> capabilities on your server (did you install jruby or not, did you
>> install groovy or not) so the command execution request is passed to
>> the server where it it served.
>>> Here is the output for list-commands:
>>> -- cut here --
>>> ~/testbed/glassfish/v3/4_28/glassfish/bin >./asadmin list-commands
>>> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:8080].
>>> Is the server up?
>>> Command list-commands failed.
>>> -- cut here --
>>> Can anybody explain why the output of list-commands (which is most
>>> likely the same list of commands everytime)
>> no that's your mistake here,
> Only partially cause list-commands is listed as local command ;-) You
> need to fix that otherwise it'll give incorrect impressions.
>> depending what you have installed on the server, you will get a
>> different list.
> At least I don't see that happening for a standard JRuby distribution.
>>> cannot be dumped w/o server running ? I'm sure there are other
>>> commands in that category.
>>> Also, the commands are classified as Local & Remote commands. What
>>> is the difference ?
>> local = executed on the client (start-domain, delete-domain and other
>> things that just cannot run on the server)
>> remote = executed on the server.
> As said above, list-commands is listed as local so that's a mistake.
> -Arun
>> jerome
>>> -Arun
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