Re: WebSniffer and OSGi

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:57:02 +0530

Roberto Chinnici wrote:
> While implementing the Phobos container for V3, I saw this comment in
> the code for the WebSniffer (in the org.glassfish.web:gf-web-connector
> module):
> // Commented out by Sahoo, as in OSGi environment, we can't support
> // Module.addImport. So, temporarily we add webtier to the dependency
> // list of gf-web-sniffer.
> // public Module[] setup(String containerHome, Logger logger)
> throws IOException {
> // Module[] modules = new Module[1];
> // modules[0] =
> modulesRegistry.makeModuleFor("org.glassfish.web:webtier", null);
> // if (modules[0]==null) {
> // throw new IOException("Webtier module not found, web
> container is not installed or found");
> // }
> // return modules;
> // }
> This means that the sniffer module depends on the main web tier
> module, which defeats the purpose of sniffers. Also, this is an
> obstacle to providing a small distribution, because inclusion of the
> sniffer will trigger inclusion of the whole web container.
> I understand that this is a temporary measure, but going forward
> what's going to be the mechanism to enable sniffers to dynamically
> load the container they sniff for? Will the HK2 module registry APIs
> call into the OSGi layer to install and start the dependent bundle? Or
> is there going to be a new API?
The issue is not about downloading bundles or installing them. The real
problem is addImport() tries to *add* a new dependency for a bundle
after it is installed (e.g. in the above case, it was adding a
dependency on gf-web-container after gf-web-connector was installed),
which is not allowed in OSGi. I am still not convinced as to why we
need that.
