Q: Multiple queue destinations, bridge/combine destinations

From: Roy Sindre Norangshol <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:44:15 +0200


I have an issue regarding use of JMS and queues in glassfish which uses
Each "endpoint" has its own INGOING and OUTOING queue setup in
glassfish, my problem is that I need a service which can do some work on
the OUTGOING queues,
problem is that I (Rockj) nor [pwgr] from #glassfish at freenode doesn't
find anything about bridging queues/combine destinations. Is this
possible with openmq?

I know its possible with ActiveMq for example, so I assume there is a
hope left for openMq, even that we didn't find anything in the
openmq-users list or openmq documentation about this.

We found one solution, that is to deploy MessageBeans for each OUTGOING
queue but that seems kinda "difficult" then just merging them to one
OUTGOING queue..

Note: I'am sorry that I mail this request directly to the dev-list, and
hope you accept the reason for why I'am mailing directly to the dev-list.

Roy Sindre Norangshol