Re: mvn build hanging

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:57:52 -0700

Why not debug the maven build in a debugger?

set this in your env:
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xdebug

start the build
attach to 5050 in a debugger
wait for it to hang
Pause and see where it is

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> As it turns out I was using 1.6.0_04 (have always been using) to
>> compile v3. Not sure what is causing it. running maven with -e
>> --debug does not tell much except that it is happening during
>> compiling with hk2-apt.
>> I switched to jdk5 and it compiles fine.
> This is an important data point. Maybe the build is not set up to build
> with JDK 6. I can't test with JDK 6 at the moment, but can you reproduce
> the problem and while the build is hanging, do a "kill -3
> build-process-id"
> to get the thread dump?
> Thanks.
>> -vivek.
>> mvn -e --debug install output:
>> [DEBUG] Configuring mojo
>> 'com.sun.enterprise:hk2-maven-plugin:0.2-SNAPSHOT:hk2-c
>> ompile' -->
>> [DEBUG] (f) basedir = /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver
>> [DEBUG] (f) buildDirectory = /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target
>> [DEBUG] (f) classpathElements =
>> [/ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes, /
>> myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2/0.2-SNAPSHOT/hk2-0.2-SNAPSH
>> OT.jar,
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2-core/0.2-SNAPSHOT/
>> hk2-core-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar,
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/con
>> fig/0.2-SNAPSHOT/config-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar,
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun
>> /enterprise/auto-depends/0.2-SNAPSHOT/auto-depends-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar,
>> /myhome/viv
>> ekmz/.m2/repository/javax/xml/stream/stax-api/1.0-2/stax-api-1.0-2.jar,
>> /myhome/
>> vivekmz/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/tiger-types/1.0/tiger-types-1.0.jar,
>> /myhome/vi
>> vekmz/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/common/internal-api/10.0-SNAPSHOT/internal-ap
>> i-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar]
>> [DEBUG] (f) compileSourceRoots =
>> [/ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/src/main/java]
>> [DEBUG] (f) compilerId = javac
>> [DEBUG] (f) debug = true
>> [DEBUG] (f) fork = false
>> [DEBUG] (f) localRepository = [local] ->
>> file:///myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository
>> [DEBUG] (f) optimize = false
>> [DEBUG] (f) outputDirectory =
>> /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>> [DEBUG] (f) outputFileName = glassfish-mbeanserver-1.0
>> [DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject:
>> org.glassfish.common:glassfish-mbeanserver
>> :1.0 @ /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/pom.xml
>> [DEBUG] (f) projectArtifact =
>> org.glassfish.common:glassfish-mbeanserver:hk2-j
>> ar:1.0
>> [DEBUG] (f) showDeprecation = false
>> [DEBUG] (f) showWarnings = false
>> [DEBUG] (f) staleMillis = 0
>> [DEBUG] (f) verbose = false
>> [DEBUG] -- end configuration --
>> [INFO] [hk2:hk2-compile]
>> [DEBUG] Using compiler 'hk2-apt'.
>> [DEBUG] Source directories: [/ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/src/main/java]
>> [DEBUG] Classpath: [/ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2/0.2-SNAPSHOT/hk2-0.2-SNAP
>> SHOT.jar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2-core/0.2-SNAPSHOT/hk2-cor
>> e-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/config/0.2-SNAPSHOT/config-0.
>> 2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/auto-depends/0.2-SNAPSHOT/aut
>> o-depends-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/javax/xml/stream/stax-api/1.0-2/stax-api-1.0-2.j
>> ar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/tiger-types/1.0/tiger-types-1.0.jar
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/common/internal-api/10.0-SNAPSHOT/
>> internal-api-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar]
>> [DEBUG] Output directory: /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>> [DEBUG] Classpath:
>> [DEBUG] /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2/0.2-SNAPSHOT/hk2-
>> 0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/hk2-core/0.2-SNAPSHOT
>> /hk2-core-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/config/0.2-SNAPSHOT/c
>> onfig-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/com/sun/enterprise/auto-depends/0.2-SNAP
>> SHOT/auto-depends-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/javax/xml/stream/stax-api/1.0-2/stax-api
>> -1.0-2.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/tiger-types/1.0/tiger-types-1.
>> 0.jar
>> [DEBUG]
>> /myhome/vivekmz/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/common/internal-api/10.0-S
>> NAPSHOT/internal-api-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> [DEBUG] Source roots:
>> [DEBUG] /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/src/main/java
>> [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /ws/gfv3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>> -vivek.
>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>>>> I am trying to build v3 from root. The build gets stuck (hours and
>>>> still not back) while building commong/mbeanserver.
>>>> Here is the message:
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Building Glassfish MBeanServer support
>>>> [INFO] task-segment: [install]
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] [resources:resources]
>>>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>>>> [INFO] [hk2:hk2-compile]
>>>> [INFO] Compiling 2 source files to
>>>> /ws/gfv3/v3/common/mbeanserver/target/classes
>>>> Any idea what is going on or how can I go past this issue?
>>> Vivek,
>>> Blame it on the netwoek :-P
>>> Can't really say. Is it possible for you to post "mvn -e --debug"
>>> output.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kedar
>>>> -vivek.
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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.