Interested in contributing to the Glassfish Verifier

From: Seema Richard <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 16:56:19 +0530



I'm working with an IT services company in Trivandrum, India. A few of
my colleagues and I have been looking at the Glassfish verifier source
code and found it interesting. To know more about how we can contribute
to the verifier, we contacted Sahoo who is leading this module at Sun.
He advised us to join this mailing list.


We have been playing around with the different APIs for binary / source
code analysis such as ASM, Compiler Tree API and the Pluggable
Annotation Processing API. Please send us your inputs on how we can go
about contributing to the Glassfish verifier project. We have already
faxed across the SCA (Sun Contributor Agreement).


