Re: QuickLook instructions do not work: "class org.testng.TestNGAntTask cannot be found"

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 14:44:37 -0700

Ok Ming will be updating the new QL instructions soon, so will get it
reviewed from the experts!

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:

> Directions for running quicklook are misleading and have a mistake:
> 1. First, "V3 Installation" is *not* an installation, it's a build
> artifact under 'distributions'--very misleading terminology). Can we
> not test against an installed build?
> 2. Per the instructions, the directory "distributions/web/target/
> glassfish" DOES NOT EXIST after my build. I see:
> ls distributions/web/target
> fragments stage
> web-10.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
> So what should the value of -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation} be???
> Directions need to (a) use accurate terminology, (b) be correct, (c)
> work the first time.
> Lloyd
> On Mar 12, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Dinesh Patil wrote:
>> V3 Build instructions, guidelines are posted now. You can find
>> Quicklook instructions also in the page.
>> Please use this for your integrations for smooth, stable development.
>> There is a V3 FAQ link, so feel free to add your tips, findings
>> about V3 build on this page.
>> thanks
>> Dinesh
> ---
> Lloyd L Chambers
> Sun Microsystems, Inc
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