[GFv3] Build broken - org.glassfish.connectors.jdbc-ra:jdbc-ra:pom:10.0-SNAPSHOT not found

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:48:43 +0530

I think the V3 build is broken. I have heard several people reporting
about it earlier today and when I tried doing a build on a fresh system
( by fresh I mean empty local maven repo), I also see the error (details
given below). The condition that triggers this failure is absence of
*org.glassfish.connectors.jdbc-ra:jdbc-ra* artifact in the local maven
repository. This can happen if you emptied the repository either
completely or removed all org.glassfish.* artifacts. The artifact is not
found in any of the remote repositories, nor is it built as part of v3
(most likely because of the change made in revision 19326 by Kohsuke).

To work around it, go to v3/connectors/jdbc-ra directory and run mvn
install. This will install the missing artifact in the local repository.
Then try to build v3.

[INFO] Building Glassfish Web Bundle
[INFO] task-segment: [install]
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

GroupId: org.glassfish.connectors.jdbc-ra
ArtifactId: jdbc-ra
Version: 10.0-SNAPSHOT

Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository


from the specified remote repositories:
  central (, (, (,
  glassfish-repository (,
(, (, (,
  glassfish-repository-wsinterop (

Not sure why Hudson is not facing this problem. It might be to do with
the fact that Hudson has this artifact in its local maven repo from an
earlier run.
