Re: [_at_GFv3] value of system property catalina.base

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:32:33 -0700

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What should be the value of system property catalina.base in
>> GlassFish runtime? It seems to be defaulting to current working
>> directory and causing problems when current working directory has a
>> directory called conf in it. Look at the following code in
>> web/webtier/.../
>> private File getConfigBase() {
>> File configBase =
>> new File(System.getProperty("catalina.base"), "conf");
>> if (!configBase.exists()) {
>> return null;
>> }
>> ...
>> }
> In v2, it was defaulting to
> instance.getInstancesRoot();
> Seems that code is no longer configured in v3 (not sure why). So the
> missing piece is in (from v2 workspace):
> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainerLifeCycle
>> If there is a conf dir in CWD, then this code takes very different
>> code path and I eventually get the following exception while
>> deploying a simple web application in v3. The cause of the
>> instantiation exception is that WebModule does not have a default
>> constructor and HK2 needs for injection purpose. You should be able
>> to reproduce this problem by running java -jar
>> glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in a directory which has a conf subdir in
>> it.
>> So, there are two problems:
>> 1. If WebModule needs to be injected, then it must either have a
>> default constructor or provide a Factory that can instantiate it.
> This is a new requirement. Can you file an issue? We gonna need a
> Factory to accommodate your scenario.
>> 2. catalina.base should be set appropriately to avoid unpredictable
>> behavior.
> File an issue as well ;-) That one can probably be workarounded by
> adding the -Dcatalina.home=.... on the command line.

Yes, please assign this to me.

> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> WARNING: Error storing config file
>> java.lang.InstantiationException: com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.storeAttributes(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.storeAttributes(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.storeContext(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
>> at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule.start(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
>> at
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer.loadWebModule(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer.loadWebModule(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebApplication.start(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebApplication.start(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.startModules(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.deployment.DeployCommand.execute(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunner.doCommand(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunner.doCommand(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.AdminAdapter.doCommand(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.AdminAdapter.service(
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.http.DefaultProcessorTask.invokeAdapter(
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.http.DefaultProcessorTask.doProcess(
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.http.DefaultProcessorTask.process(
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.http.DefaultProtocolFilter.execute(
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.execute(
>> at
>> com.sun.grizzly.ProtocolChainContextTask.doCall(
>> at
>> at
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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