Re: should constants be used in a modularized system?

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:36:31 -0700


Agreed...though problem with enums for management (JMX) include:

- they require a new class that might not be available on a client
(across "the wire")
- they might not map automatically to other non-Java protocols

At least that's my understanding.

So for values returned across the wire through a management interface,
enums are an issue. A good example of this is
java.util.logging.Level; I ran into this problem recently working with
a developer on a JMX adapter.


On Mar 20, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>> In Glassfish V3 the system is highly modularized. Compiling one
>> module against another might mean using static constants eg:
>> // module B using from another module A
>> import;
>> ...
>> doSomething( CONSTANT1 );
>> ...
>> If I understand correctly, java constants are compiled into the
>> resulting bytecode.
>> So if the constant is later changed in the defining module, code
>> compiled against that module does *not* pick up the new value
>> unless it is recompiled.
>> In short, in a modular system, should constant values be fixed at
>> compile time, or picked up dynamically at runtime? If they are to
>> be dynamic, then our constants need to be written as methods eg:
>> public static String getCONSTANT1();
>> *not*
>> public static final String CONSTANT1 = "val"
>> Of course, there might not be a hard and fast rule. But if a
>> module is newly-built and has new values for its constants, it
>> might be reasonable to expect dependent modules to use the new
>> values.
> Yes, we should all understand this. Primitives and String constants
> are stored by *value*, not name. Once you choose a value for one of
> these constants in a public API (across module boundaries), you're
> committing to it, no matter what name you might use.
> Many of these constants should probably be enums, which don't have
> this
> problem.
> String constants should really only be used for things that are
> externally
> defined and really won't change. Otherwise, if it can change, it's
> not
> really a constant! :-)
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Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc