Re: V3:QL on WINDOWS ?

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:20:15 -0700

Kumar, You need to use "Ant 1.7" for running QL.

V B Kumar Jayanti wrote:
> Hi,
> Was anyone able to run V3 QL tests on Windows. I am getting the
> following error :
> :65: The <war> type doesn't support the "needxmlfile" attribute.
> Total time: 15 seconds
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\community>ant
> -Dglassfish.home=D:\
> GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT\glassfish -lib lib all
> Buildfile: build.xml
> start-server:
> [echo] +-----------------------------+
> [echo] | |
> [echo] | S T A R T I N G GLASSFISH |
> [echo] | |
> [echo] +-----------------------------+
> start-server-unix:
> start-server-windows:
> build:
> [echo] ANT PROJECT GlassFish-V3-Community
> build:
> [delete] Deleting directory
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\com
> munity\classes\basicweb\app
> [delete] Deleting directory
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\com
> munity\dist\basicweb
> [mkdir] Created dir:
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\community
> \classes\basicweb\app
> [mkdir] Created dir:
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\community
> \dist\basicweb
> [echo] Now compiling
> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-t
> ests\community\classes\basicweb\app
> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/basicweb/hellojsp.war
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\community\build.xml:111:
> The follo
> wing error occurred while executing this line:
> D:\GLASSFISHV3\FULLV3\glassfish\appserv-tests\community\web\helloworld\build.xml
> :65: The <war> type doesn't support the "needxmlfile" attribute.
> Total time: 4 seconds
> Thanks.
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