Re: doc error in add-resources?

From: Prashanth Abbagani <Prashanth.Abbagani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:06:42 -0800


Did you give an absolute path of your home directory? Can you show me
your command line


Chinmayee Srivathsa wrote:
> Yes, I saw that.
> I have the sample XML file saved as chin.xml in my home directory and
> I still got the "No such file or directory" error ie it did prepend
> <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config.
> However, I need to replace <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config with
> <install-dir>/domains/<domain-name>/config or <domain-dir>/config.
> - Chinmayee
> vince kraemer wrote:
>> Chinmayee Srivathsa wrote:
>>> Hi Vince,
>>> The description of xml-file-path in the add-resources man page says "
>>> The path to the XML file containing the resource(s) to be created.
>>> The XML file must reside in the <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config
>>> directory. If you specify a relative path or simply provide the name
>>> of the XML file, this command will prepend
>>> <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config to this operand."
>>> I tried the command with the relative path to a (non-existent) xml
>>> file. As specified in this description. the command did prepend
>>> <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config.
>> I guess that is why I am confused... I never give it the relative
>> path of a file that doesn't exist.
>> When you give the command a relative path to a file that does exist,
>> it does the right thing, but the description of xml-file-path makes
>> it sound like it should not...
>> See my example further down... (I have edited out some of the
>> intermediate responses for brevity...
>>> asadmin> add-resources --user admin --port 4848 chin.xml
>>> Please enter the admin password>
>>> Operation 'createResource' failed in 'resources' Config Mbean.
>>> Target exception message:
>>> /home/cs194067/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/config/chin.xml (No
>>> such file or directory)
>>> CLI137 Command add-resources failed.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chinmayee
>>> [snip]
>>>>> Vince Kraemer wrote:
>>>>>> I was reading the 9.1 docs on add-resources... and it looks suspect.
>>>>>> My main area of concern is the description of xml_file_path...
>>>>>> Is that description actually correct?
>>>>>> This snippit from my terminal window seems to say NO, to me.
>>>>>> > pe/6/sailfin/bin/asadmin add-resources this-name-is-unique.txt
>>>>>> Operation 'createResource' failed in 'resources' Config Mbean.
>>>>>> Target exception message: DOCTYPE is not present in xml
>>>>>> /export/home/vbk/sf/this-name-is-unique.txt. Please correct the
>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>> CLI137 Command add-resources failed.
>> In the example above...
>> The file doesn't exist in <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config.
>> The command did not append <install-dir>/domains/domain1/config to
>> the aperand to create an absolute path.
>> Based on the description of xml-file-path... I was expecting to see
>> something like
>> Operation 'createResource' failed in 'resources' Config Mbean.
>> Target exception message:
>> /export/home/vbk/v21/pe/6/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/this-name-is-unique.xml
>> (No such file or directory)
>> CLI137 Command add-resources failed.
>> Since I did not see that... I was a bit confused... Is the
>> implementation of add-resources incorrect?
>> vbk
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> vbk
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