Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> I'm confused about version numbers in modules.
I think many people would agree with you.
> For example, I see the following in api/management/pom.xml:
> <groupId>javax.management.j2ee</groupId>
> <artifactId>management-api</artifactId>
> <version>1.1-1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <name>Java EE Management API</name>
> Then in api/javaee/pom.xml under <properties> I see:
> <management-api.version>1.1</management-api.version>
> Are these two different animals?
Yes. The latter one refers to a released(unmodifiable) artifact, where
as the former one is under development. The only thing that's changing
at this point of time is the manifest file entries, I believe.
> What is the right way to make a dependency? For example,
> common/amx-api wants to depend on manag
> <dependency>
> <groupId>javax.management.j2ee</groupId>
> <artifactId>management-api</artifactId>
> <version>${management-api.version}</version>
> <scope>provided</scope>
> </dependency>
The property should be changed to use the version being developed.
We don't seem to be paying sufficient attention to these tricky details
of Maven, which I am sure will bite us back in future. Maven appears
easy to use, but the power it provides certainly demands more discipline.