[v3] Currently is there any stable source bits that is pushed out say weekly that could be used

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:15:26 -0700

  If the subject matter is not clear let me start by listing what I am
looking for :

In V3 is there a process where in we tag/branch source bits say on a
weekly bits so that developers could use those bits. The aim is to use
stable releases of v3 source bits for development and also to point
others to to it rather than using the current unstable builds of v3.

I have been trying to get a v3 build that I could use to create a JRuby
gem and publish it to RubyForge, but for the past 2 weeks have been
failing. The plan is when I release the gem also provide steps that
users of the gem could then make use of, to recreate the gem themselves.
Specifically in the case of the gem, almost all of the code currently
resides in grizzly contribs area with very little code in v3/rails
itself. Based on the current state of the v3 build this is a very
difficult/frustrating task. Hence asking this question ?

It would be great to have say weekly stable tags/branches of the v3
build which would be self contained (i.e no SNAPSHOT in the pom.xml's)
so that any user could just get that tag and then run "mvn install" to
build and use that GF v3 setup. If there is something already would be
great if someone could point me to it.
