Re: Glassfish - PHP: blank page

From: Dulai Tibor <>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 09:57:35 +0100

Sorry, I've forgot to mention that the services which have problems
calling with PHP from the distance, work well if we use the local test
of Glassfish admin interface.
Port 8080 is opened in all cases.

Dulai Tibor wrote:

> Hello,
> We've deployed the same war file on 4 computers in a VPN. When we want
> ro reach the services by PHP, some of them are ok, but some shows only
> a blank page. It seems that SoapCall function halts, which is
> parameterized by the wsdl address.
> Investigating the problem we've realized that in cases which are ok,
> the wsdl contains schemaLocation with the correct VPN addresses, and
> the wsdl files of the problematic services contain schemaLocation with
> a name which can not be resolved on the VPN. During deloyment we did
> the same on the 4 computers and Glassfish settings remained default in
> all cases.
> Maybe it is the source of the problem? In this case how to fix it?
> Please help us if you can.
> Greetings,
> Tibor