Re: LauncherIII

From: Deepa Singh <Deepa.Singh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 19:11:33 -0800

This sounds pretty useful. Do you have a one pager available for this
feature? Just need to find a helloworld sample which will start the
appserver, does some J2EE stuff and stop the appserver.
Do I need to bundle my application with glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar?


Byron Nevins said the following on 3/5/2008 11:00 PM:
> Launcher III (v-III that is) is checked in and operational.
> It currently supports embedded launching only. Soon external
> launching with all the goodies in domain.xml will come online.
> 'asadmin start-domain' will now work with the 'domaindir' option and
> the domain-name as an optional parameter so you can launch any domain,
> not just domain1
> You can launch embedded from POJO's in several ways.
> You can launch directly from the jar with arguments as well.
> e.g.
> java -jar glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -domainroot
> c:/mydomains/myAwesomeDomain -embedded true
> Meticulous documentation will also be available soon.