Re: [v3] mvn gf:run stalls trying to download sfx4j

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:14:48 -0800

Hi Tim
  The approach that I am following is just creating my module (mvn
install) and then copying the module to glassfish/modules directory.
Then just restart the server for the changes to be effective.

- Pramod

Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hi, Anissa.
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Last night, i can't do mvn gf:run due to some missing jar even
>> after a successful build. I forgot whats the exact error.
>> Since my build was successful, i did the following and was able to
>> start the server and test deployment.
> Yes, that is an option. I'm just trying to avoid building the
> distribution and expanding it again after each small code change.
> Sadly, it seems many of my most recent changes are not ones that NB
> and the JVM can hot-swap into the running program, so I have to stop
> and restart. Sigh.
> - Tim
>> cd v3/distributions/glassfish/target
>> unzip
>> cd glassfish/bin
>> ./asadmin start-domain
>> thanks.
>> Anissa.
>> Tim Quinn wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> This may probably due to the server problems that have plagued the
>>> download sites, but when I use mvn gf:run to test with the most
>>> recently-build module JARs the start-up stalls for a long time here:
>>> [INFO]
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] Building GlassFish Parent Project
>>> [INFO] task-segment: [gf:run] (aggregator-style)
>>> [INFO]
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Downloading:
>>> Downloading:
>>> Downloading:
>>> Eventually it seems to give up and continue, and it does this every
>>> time I run.
>>> Two questions:
>>> 1. Is there some way I can temporarily disable this or can I get it
>>> from somewhere else?
>>> 2. Why does running from my locally-built modules need to use the
>>> sfx technology?
>>> Thanks.
>>> - Tim
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