Re: [v3] mvn gf:run stalls trying to download sfx4j

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:07:19 -0600

Hi, Anissa.

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Last night, i can't do mvn gf:run due to some missing jar even after
> a successful build. I forgot whats the exact error.
> Since my build was successful, i did the following and was able to
> start the server and test deployment.
Yes, that is an option. I'm just trying to avoid building the
distribution and expanding it again after each small code change.
Sadly, it seems many of my most recent changes are not ones that NB and
the JVM can hot-swap into the running program, so I have to stop and
restart. Sigh.

- Tim
> cd v3/distributions/glassfish/target
> unzip
> cd glassfish/bin
> ./asadmin start-domain
> thanks.
> Anissa.
> Tim Quinn wrote:
>> Hi.
>> This may probably due to the server problems that have plagued the
>> download sites, but when I use mvn gf:run to test with the most
>> recently-build module JARs the start-up stalls for a long time here:
>> [INFO]
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Building GlassFish Parent Project
>> [INFO] task-segment: [gf:run] (aggregator-style)
>> [INFO]
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Downloading:
>> Downloading:
>> Downloading:
>> Eventually it seems to give up and continue, and it does this every
>> time I run.
>> Two questions:
>> 1. Is there some way I can temporarily disable this or can I get it
>> from somewhere else?
>> 2. Why does running from my locally-built modules need to use the sfx
>> technology?
>> Thanks.
>> - Tim
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