Re: v3 build and servlet support

From: Sherry Shen <Sherry.Shen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:06:44 -0800

Yes. I think that you should be able to reproduce the issue.
Deepa wrote and checked in V3 QL in
which is near V2 QL.
cc Deepa who may have more info about her test suites.
Thanks for looking into this issue!


Jerome Dochez wrote, On 2/5/2008 10:30 AM:

> how can we reproduce the problem ?
> On Feb 5, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Sherry Shen wrote:
>> Thank Jerome for the information and suggestion.
>> The client output has FileNotFoundException while accessing the url
>> for servlet.
>> I did not notice any error in server.log. Please see details below.
>> Sherry
>> PS:
>> The build used:
>> The client output:
>> run:
>> [echo] =============Starting TestNG functional tests ============
>> [testng] [Parser] Running:
>> [testng] /space/test1/SRC/g91/glassfish/appserv-tests/community/
>> testng.xml
>> [testng]
>> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>> [testng] <h1>JSP Test Page</h1>
>> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] Welcome to HTML Test Program. This tests following thing
>> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet/
>> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet/
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet/
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at sun .reflect .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>> .newInstance(
>> The app deployed:
>> test1_at_win60% pwd
>> /space/test1/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/hellojsp
>> test1_at_win60% find . -name "*" -print
>> ./WEB-INF
>> ./WEB-INF/web.xml
>> ./WEB-INF/classes
>> ./WEB-INF/classes/myapp
>> ./WEB-INF/classes/myapp/Hello.class
>> ./first.html
>> ./hello.jsp
>> test1_at_win60%
>> The related server.log:
>> [#|2008-02-05T10:09:53.268-0800|INFO|GlassFish10.0|
>> _ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Loading application hellojsp at /
>> hellojsp|#]
>> [#|2008-02-05T10:09:53.294-0800|INFO|GlassFish10.0|
>> _ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Deployment of hellojsp done is
>> 14439 ms|#]
>> Jerome Dochez wrote, On 2/5/2008 9:54 AM:
>>> yes it should do you have a console output or a trace to help
>>> identifying what could go wrong.
>>> thanks, jerome
>>> On Feb 5, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Sherry Shen wrote:
>>>> Does V3 build have servlet support?
>>>> I tried V3 Quicklook tests on 1-31-2008 build downloaded from
>>>> last Friday. HTML or JSP test cases passed, but Servlet test
>>>> case failed.
>>>> The above URL only has V3 preview1 builds today.
>>>> Where can I get the new build?
>>>> PS: The test suite location:
>>>> glassfish/appserv-tests/community/web/helloworld
>>>> Test output:
>>>> ......
>>>> [testng] PASSED: simpleJSPTestPage
>>>> [testng] PASSED: staticHTMLPageTest
>>>> [testng] PASSED: testServerRunning
>>>> [testng] FAILED: simpleServletTest
>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>> [testng] web_hello_world
>>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>> ......
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