As you may know, GlassFish v2.1 Beta Hard code Freeze was planned for
2/18. HCF date for SailFin, the release driver for v2.1 is changing from
2/18. Please see the attached email sent to the SailFin community.
The new date will be known in a week's time. Since there is a need to
align GlassFish v2.1 with SailFin dates, we will need to change the HCF
for GlassFish also. We will come back to you with a new date as soon as
the revised SailFin dates are announced.
We appreciate your patience regarding this.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Update on beta hard code freeze
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:08:53 +0530
> From: Prasad Subramanian <Prasad.Subramanian_at_Sun.COM>
> Reply-To: dev_at_sailfin.dev.java.net
> To: dev_at_sailfin.dev.java.net
> After the feature freeze on 21st January , lot of testing has been
> done on the SailFin code base and several issues have been fixed.
> There is still some additional testing that is currently getting done
> in critical areas, and we expect to see more bugs filed in the coming
> days. We would like to address these issues before Beta Hard Code
> Freeze so that we could use the time between HCF and Beta for
> stabilization. Hence we would like to move the beta hard code freeze
> by a bit and evaluate our options to provide a more stable beta build.
> We will come back with our revised HCF dates in a week's time and
> update the community.
> We continue to look at the community for support on testing and filing
> issues, to help make Sailfin better.
> Thanks
> Prasad
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