Re: [v3] application information registered in domain.xml now

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:38:03 -0800

Hong Zhang wrote:
> I have just checked in changes to register application information in
> the domain.xml. This replaces the previous "props" mechanism in v3 to
> register application information.
> The application will now be registered as a generic "application"
> element with following form (this will evolve as we go forward). The
> new "application" element is intended to fit our converged application
> model in v3. Each "engine" sub-element represents one component of the
> application targeted for a particular container.
> <!ELEMENT applications (application*) >
> <!ELEMENT application (description?, engine+, property*)>
> <!ATTLIST application
> location CDATA #REQUIRED
> context-root CDATA #IMPLIED
> object-type %object-type; "user"
> enabled %boolean; "true"
> libraries CDATA #IMPLIED
> availability-enabled %boolean; "false"
> directory-deployed %boolean; "false">
> <!ELEMENT engine (description?, property*)>
> <!ATTLIST engine
> sniffer CDATA #REQUIRED>
> The "application" element will be registered in the domain.xml once we
> successfully load the application to the container(s).
> Notes:
> 1. We plan to keep the existing sub-elements of the "applications"
> element such as "web-module" in domain dtd for upgrade scenario.
> Upgrade scenario will need to be thought through.
> 2. As the web container currently has dependency on WebModule config
> bean, we register a web-module element in the domain.xml for
> standalone web module as well. We will stop doing that once the web
> team removes this dependency.
btw, I've removed web container dependency on WebModule config bean.

> Thanks,
> - Hong
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