[v3] - Deployment client classes checked in

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 14:54:52 -0600

Hi, everyone.

I have just checked in the files that support deployment clients via the
DeploymentFacility API.

Most of the changes and additions are in core/deployment-client although
there are a few scattered elsewhere. Most of what a developer using the
DF will need to know is with the DeploymentFacilityFactory class and the
DeploymentFacility interface.


1. The interface is largely but not quite completely the same as in v2
The one important difference is that on the deploy method the
application and the deployment plans are specified using URIs rather
than Archive objects. This relieves the deployment-client JAR from a
dependency on all the classes that support the user of Archive objects.

2. The core/deployment-client module creates a regular JAR, not an hk2
module JAR.

3. I included a JUnit test in core/deployment-client that contains two
test methods. They are currently disabled using @Ignore and should
remain that way. I included them there as a convenient place for
example code to show how to use the API. Because they use the DF they
would require the server to be up and that's not a dependency we want in
the middle of our builds.

4. Currently only the deploy and undeploy methods work. As other
operations become available the DF will be able to make use of them.

5. The current implementation is based on the RemoteCommand class used
by the admin CLI. By refactoring a bit and introducing a key interface
it will be easy to augment or replace that implementation with others
(for example, based on AMX).

Of course, please let me know if you have questions.

- Tim