Re: GlassFish v3 gem - now at rubyforge

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:52:06 -0800

Hi Stephan,

> Here's why I tried out GlassFish.
> I'd like to create an easily deployable Java application that would combine
> * 2 or 3 web applications (2 ROR and the web start servlet)
> * jruby
> * Embedded Mozilla XUL rendering in Swing, see:
> * embedded Java DB (Derby, HSQLDB)
> * a whole bunch of heterogeneous java components that can be easily assembled into composite applications/activities, see:
> I'm pretty close to getting this working as an application. Then I'd like to be able to deploy this via web start.
> I am able to deploy jruby gems like hpricot that have embedded java jars via web start (on jruby trunk).
> Right now I am not able to deploy parts of rails/mongrel via web start because not all of the File I/O operations that ruby programs do when loading and running each other work when the code is still embedded in a jar file.
> This could be fixed in JRuby or I could use the approach that jrubygems takes and expand the jars with ruby code to the file system.
> Perhaps deploying with GlassFish as the web container system would work better.

We definitely hope so. Please let us know on your experience, we would
like to hear more from you as you progress.
