Re: Deploy a web app, rename domain.xml to domain.bak, can't restart

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:35:44 -0800

Hi Kedar
   Should not the contextRoot information also be persisted ?
I have deployed a application that is deployed as :
   asadmin deploy --name "abc" --contextRoot /def hello

Currently the application would work correctly as
http://localhost:8080/def after a deployment before the server has been
restarted. But after the restart the application can only be accessed at
This is because the contextRoot information is lost between the server
restart and we pick up the name instead.


Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> The minimum data required is:
> - name
> - location
> - whether the app/module is enabled
> That should be available for any deployment, I believe.
> Is there other meta-data that you were thinking of persisting to
> domain.xml?