Re: Deploy a web app, rename domain.xml to domain.bak, can't restart

From: Nandini Ektare <Nandini.Ektare_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:53:19 -0800

>> Interestingly, using java -jar to start the server I do not see the
>> class not found exceptions for
>> com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.jmx.AppServerMBeanServerBuilder
>> that I see when I run using mvn gf:run.
> looks like the domain.xml that is being used when doing gf:run still
> has the jvmOption to set the MBeanServer like in V2. I have removed
> that jvm option from the's domain.xml since we will
> be using the JDK MBeanServer in v3, so I am not sure why you still
> have the old one.
In v2 MBeanServer startup was controlled using this property to get a
way to intercept MBeanServer startup in a way to allow us to wrap the
PlatformMBeanServer (JDK's MBeanServer) with our interceptor (which also
had the ability to register some basic config mbeans during startup).
The JDK MBeanServer is used even in v2.

I agree that if v3 does not plan to use the custom interceptor, the
system property is redundant but otherwise we need it.

>> Further, if I run with mvn gf:run then I see the exceptions I wrote
>> about last night but I *do *get a new domain.xml in the domain's
>> config directory!
>> Odd. Any ideas?
>> - Tim