Re: Feature requests for production level usage of GF V3 (gem)

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:37:40 -0800

Hi Changshin Lee

Changshin Lee wrote:
> Hi Pramod,
> I'm very glad to hear from you on the news. I tried the gem with
> SpringBook (on JRuby 1.1RC1) and here are what I've got:
> 1. issue #1 and #2 are perfectly resolved. Thanks! One thing I'd like
> to point out is that just simply running "glassfish_rails" doesn't
> work, in other words, you need to pass a directory. What I'd suggest is
> glassfish_rails -> glassfish_rails .
I am planning to deal with this. I would like the behavior to be as
close to that of Webrick or Mongrel. So users should be able to just do
"jruby -S glassfish_rails" or maybe "glassfish_rails" (like
script/server) from the application directory and we should be able to
start the GF V3 server. Not sure in which version I would be able to get
this one, but it is on my list.
> 2. issue #3 can be worked around by setting the CLASSPATH environment
> variable.
> 3. issue #4 also can be worked around by setting the RAILS_ENV
> environment variable.
I did try to get this working on this as part of v0.1.1 but ran into
some issues. Was working with Thomas Enebo of JRuby team on this, but
could not get this solved. Would surely like to have this in v0.1.2.
> 4. issue #5 is trivial (use nohup instead).
> 5. Apart from the aforementioned issues, I found a new one: SpringBook
> uses Hpricot, and if glassfish_rails starts with -n > 3, responses get
> broken without any explicit error messages. Hpricot Java actually has
> some problem now and needs more work (please refer to
> Again, I'm greatly grateful for your nice work and going to deliver a
> speech on these new features at the conference.
Thanks for the compliments and am very happy to hear that you plan to
deliver a speech on the gem at the conference. If you blog would be
great to highlight your conference and gem experience on GlassFish
Aquarium. Please keep sending in your comments and wish list about the gem.


> Cheers,
> ias
> 2008. 02. 14, ¿ÀÈÄ 4:22, Pramod Gopinath ÀÛ¼º:
>> Hi Changshin Lee
>> Could you try out the new gem that is now hosted at RubForge.
>> I have just pushed out a new gem v0.1.1 that shoud take care of
>> issues 1, 2. There are few more points that you had listed. Am
>> working down the list to resolve them and get the gem into a better
>> shape.
>> Would be a great help if you could try out the gem and also demo it
>> at the Java Conference in Korea to get more developers interested
>> about it.
>> Thanks a lot for all your help and patience.
>> Pramod Gopinath
>> Changshin Lee wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> SpringBook ( is a JRoR application
>>> and started a beta service as well. The current production
>>> configuration is Apache + Mongrel jcluster, but I'd like to migrate
>>> to GF V3. Here's a list of features for that:
>>> 1. Resolve issues on root context (3885) and jruby runtime (3887)
>>> 2. Add root context support for glassfish_rails based on #1
>>> 3. Add a third-party library (jar file) for a JRoR application on GF V3
>>> 4. Allow environment setting (i.e. development, test, production, ...)
>>> 5. daemon mode (GF V2 supports by default)
>>> With #1~#5, SpringBook service can be run on Apache + GF V3. Then,
>>> one more step is awaited. In order to live without Apache, setting
>>> virtual hosts up is required, for example, suppose there is one
>>> server instance (s1)
>>> -> s1
>>> -> s1
>>> -> s1
>>> Finally, we have quite a solid practice for JRoR:
>>> development -> mongrel-java or grizzly-jruby (actually #3 and #4 are
>>> also needed in using grizzly-jruby)
>>> production -> glassfish_rails
>>> I hope I would have a chance to speak about this work on 17 Feb, the
>>> biggest Java conference in Korea ;-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> ias
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