question on _at_Extract, _at_Inject, annotations

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 11:36:15 -0800

Kosuke et al,

[I think these comments/questions are relevant to other
developers...let's answer them, and I can help updating javadoc, etc
once I'm sure I understand it]

I'm still learning annotations, so I don't "get" the javadoc for
@Extract and @Inject.

Suggestion: there should be examples in the javadoc showing how to
use the annotations.

For example, the Javadoc (
apidocs/org/jvnet/hk2/annotations/Extract.html) doesn't tell me
anything really about how to use @Extract ("Annotation marks
instances of object which are labeled as exported by a component"):

1. Exported to where?
2. Under what name? What is the naming convention?
3. What do I write to @Inject it? What happens if it's not yet

Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc