Hi all,
Since the EJB issues I was having earlier appear to be due to a known
bug, I've switched over to using a Web Service to handle my application
server needs. The usage is the same, I have about 700 clients accessing
an application server, every 5 minutes, so around 3-4 clients will be
accessing it every second.
It takes less than 1 second for a client to send the web service the
XMLified data, the application server to save the data to about 80
different files, and for it to return an "ok". When I turn on all of
the clients, though, it takes anywhere from 10 seconds to over 5 minutes
(which I timeout) for the request to be completed.
I've tried these JVM tweaks:
as well as setting the HTTP acceptor threads to 16 and
request-processing threads to 16. These don't seem to have done
anything. There is very little CPU usage (~90% idle) and little local
disk I/O (where the data is saved) so I don't know where the bottleneck
is. I'm wondering whether the application server is simply queuing up
too many of the client requests when it could be handling more.
Anyone have an ideas? Since I'm internal to Sun, I can always give
someone access to the app server if they wanted to do a quick glance.