Re: Non-JMS MDB needs JMS?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:53:11 +0100

>> [fkieviet] I respectfully disagree with this: a solution that "through
>> magic" works in most cases but not in all cases, or suddenly may stop
>> working, is worse than no solution at all. Say that you have
>> successfully
>> deployed a few EJBs that all use RAR 1 and that Glassfish bound the
>> EJBs to
>> RAR 1 by comparing interfaces. Now say that a few weeks later, you
>> deploy
>> RAR 2 that uses the same interfaces. Say that the server is restarted:
>> suddenly the EJBs can no longer be unambiguously bound to RAR 1 or
>> RAR 2,
>> and a startup failure of the previously successfully deployed EJBs will
>> occur. This may be surprising to the admin since he cannot readily
>> correlate
>> deployment of RAR 2 to the failure in the previously successfully
>> deployed
>> EJBs.
> Why can't the binding decision be recorded at deployment time so that it
> can only fail as above when the app is redeployed?
I just had exactly the same idea in mind! :-)
