Re: Non-JMS MDB needs JMS?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:47:05 +0100

see inline
>> I completely agree with Bill. As you might expect, my intention is not
>> only to get my MDB to work, but in the second level to discuss the still
>> needed vendor specific stuff. Actually I have exactly the same opinion
>> as Bill: As long as on my GF instance there is nothing running but
>> solely my RA and MDB, and since the MDB implements the only interface
>> that is declared by the RA, the current situation is absolutely
>> unambiguous. The target of EJB 3 was "convention over configuration", so
>> the reference implementation should not force people to provide
>> information if not absolutely needed. I agree that there could be
>> situations where there is no other choice, like having two RAs exporting
>> the same interface. But in my particular situation that is not the case,
>> so GF should be able to work without that vendor specific DD.
> [fkieviet] I respectfully disagree with this: a solution that "through
> magic" works in most cases but not in all cases, or suddenly may stop
> working, is worse than no solution at all.
I need to disagree. This kind of "magic" is everywhere in EJB 3. There
are a lot of things that work behind the curtain in a vendor specific
way. For example, @GeneratedValue by default uses AUTO, and what AUTO
means is left open in the spec. The spec just says, it must do
"something", and the user can rely on getting a generated value
"somehow". In fact, "convention over configuration" is very popular and
people love getting things done "by magic". :-)

Certainly no more working suddenly is not nice, and is not what I intend
to have.
> Say that you have successfully
> deployed a few EJBs that all use RAR 1 and that Glassfish bound the EJBs to
> RAR 1 by comparing interfaces. Now say that a few weeks later, you deploy
> RAR 2 that uses the same interfaces. Say that the server is restarted:
> suddenly the EJBs can no longer be unambiguously bound to RAR 1 or RAR 2,
Why? The user was satisfied with the old behaviour, so Glassfish could
just make notes on its internal config to know that when rebooting the
old link shall get re-established. This would be straightforward. If the
user wants to use another RA, he can use the admin console to change links.
> and a startup failure of the previously successfully deployed EJBs will
> occur. This may be surprising to the admin since he cannot readily correlate
> deployment of RAR 2 to the failure in the previously successfully deployed
> EJBs.
> (To be fair, there are other situations, especially with respect to
> classloading, where the deployment of a new RAR may affect previously
> successfully deployed EJBs.)
>> Thanks
>> Markus
>> --
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