From: Prasad Subramanian <Prasad.Subramanian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:05:20 +0530

The sailfin and glassfish ( SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH) workspace is *now open*.
Since we are post beta there are some conditions for checking in.

_*Process for Sailfin changes and changes in GlassFish related to Sailfin*_
1. There *MUST* be an issue id for each checkin whether its a bug or an
feature enhancement.
2. From today till 1st Feb , any checkin that pertains to a bug ( as
opposed to a feature enhancement) can go in without approval.Note that
the bug priority has to be P2. If there are P3s, the checkin for those
bugs, needs to wait till Feb18 ( HCF), when a branch for BETA would be
created. The checkin for the P3 would then happen in the TRUNK (MAIN) .
3. Any checkin that pertains to a feature enhancement *MUST* have a
BugScrub(SugSWAT) approval.
4. Post Feb 1 , all checkins would need to go through a BugScrub (
BugSWAT) approval.

_*Process** for changes that pertain only to GlassFish
*_1. We will follow the *same process* as we have been following for
checkins into SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH so far. i.e. send a request for checkin
in the template to Harpreet, Srikanth and I. The only change is , that
any P3s will have to wait till Feb18. If there is a bug that needs to
get in, it needs to be justified as a P2._*

Please let me know if you have any questions.
