Re: [V3] targeting asadmin commands ...

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:33:29 -0800

> yes you should start an admin page on the wiki and start a link to AMX
> work from there. I think the wiki is the right combination of editing
> and sharing combination we would need to sustain such documentation. I
> would encourage everyone working on V3 to do the same, I think it is a
> great idea and very necessary, we need something from
> - Kedar (Admin in general)
> - Lloyd (AMX)
> - Hong (Deployment)
> - Amy (Webtier)
> - Jane (CLI)
> - GUI (Ken)

Yes, I agree with this and I have started from requirements a while ago.

for details. I plan to capture most of my development work here.

>> 2. Documentation -- at a minimum, the Javadoc for HK2 and V3 APIs
>> needs to be seen as fundamental to bringing developers on board with
>> HK2 and V3. It's currently extremely terse, of use only to those who
>> have read and understood the code (and hence of no real use!). I
>> intend to help in this area, but in truth developers of APIs must take
>> responsibility for writing javadoc that is clear and helpful to
>> "newbies". It looks bad to have mis-spelled gramattically incorrect
>> and just plain confusing javadoc for our product. I intend to help in
>> that way too, but the writer of the API bears the responsibility.
> I agree but of course, reality bites.
>> 3. Email -- email exchanges like this one have low residual value. We
>> need to move these discussions to web pages so that value accumulates
>> instead of dissipating.
> that's one of the positive of using the dev@ mailing lists. there is
> automatic archival. Wouldn't that suffice ?
>> 4. Wiki pages: I do like Wikis so long as I don't have to *edit* them
>> (tedious and awkward for larger pages, and wasn't WYSIWYG invented 20
>> years ago?). So we need to think hard about what is easy to edit and
>> maintain. Perhaps a mix of Wiki and HTML will work, but I don't
>> understand how to mix them well.
> well, you would need to come up with a proposal here. I agree that wiki
> editing is a bit too close to latex and just like maven. It has
> deficiencies but until there is a viable replacement, I think we need to
> stick with it...

I agree.