Maven Repository Importer

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:42:58 -0600

I'm trying to get Mojarra Scales set up in the maven repo. As far
as I can tell, I've followed the directions correctly:

* Added maven_repository as an observer
* Create a repo/ directory in the root of my source tree
* Use the maven-repository-importer ant task
* Commit jars to SCM (SVN in my case)

Depsite all of that, and several commits just to make sure, my artifacts are
not appearing the repo. I have confirmed that maven_repository has
subscribed to the commits mailing list, so it's getting the emails. Have I
put the repo directory in the wrong place? Am I missing something subtle?

Thanks! :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team