Looking for a mentor

From: Danny Engelbarts <>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:52:54 +0100


I'll get straight to the point, i'm enrolled in a part-time bachelor ICT
education at de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen ( in the
Netherlands. At this moment i'm following a course "Develop a Distributed
Object Oriented Application" which involves UML design, J2EE, RMI and
Application servers. As a part of this course the students are supposed to do
a 6 month project. The full-time students are encouraged to do so in a real
environment with co-operating firms. As most of the part-time students have
full-time jobs and often are not allowed to work for a competitor this poses
a problem.

In my opinion it should be possible to do (a part of) an open-source project.
Provided of course i find a project who would have us and has at least one
mentor who is able to guide us, by e-mail and maybe an online chat (or even
in person if possible)? So what i'm looking for is a mentor with a project,
preferably using UML design and a distributed Java environment.

I have been looking at the Glassfish project, it is the environment i'm
looking for. Perhaps we could build a sample application of some sort or even
help out in other areas?

The project group will be around 5 or 6 students who can spare between
8 to 20 hours a week, and meet every Thursday between 14.00 and 21.00
CET. Their experience and knowledge will be very different and could
vary between that of a help-desk employee and some with 10 years of IT

This project will last from February to July 2008.

There will probably not be any funding (none that i am aware of

Besides my studying there i am not affiliated with the HAN in any way
and therefore do not know anything about any procedures that might
have to be followed before a project is accepted. At the least there
probably will have to be some contact between the teaching staff and a
possible mentor.

I'd like to ask anyone who feels inclined to take this on or wishes
some further information to send me an e-mail, i will try to answer
any questions or bring you in contact with the right people.

Sincerely yours, Danny Engelbarts.
