v3 Build Issues: Meeting Minutes

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 15:50:42 -0700

      * Agenda this week:
              * status for svn conversion
                      * Collabnet to do the conversion.
                      * Waiting to hear from Eric on completion date
              * brown bags
                      * svn
                              * Sent reminder email to dev_at_glassfish.
                              * Scheduled Tuesday at Oct 30th, 11am
                      * Intro to maven
                              * Scheduled for next Thursday, Nov 1st
              * svn
                      * Terena: add svn in /java/devtools
                      * Terena: add Maven 2.0 mvn as well
                      * If it does not exist, setup svn and other tools
                        in /java
              * hg
                      * We will not move to hg before May, 2008
                      * BBC infrastructure will support hg
              * Hudson setup: Terena
                      * Not gotten very far
                      * Use these OSs:
                              * Solaris 10
                              * RH 4
                              * Windows 2003 server
                              * Mac OS 10.4
                      * Hudson will need its own machine
                      * Need a setup plan
                      * Archive is 200GB
              * svn -> hg conversion
                      * host on mercurial.sfbay
                      * Need an hg brown bag
                      * Confirm we have a plan from going to svn to hg

Meeting minutes can be found at the bottom of the page: