Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at a few K HTTP gzip operations from a single client.

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 23:30:06 +0200

This conversation should probably happen on
or better yet with the SJS Application Server support team...

Gustav Trede a écrit :
> Jeanfrancois :
> Well its pretty frustrating when alot of the information given about the
> context is completely
> somehow missed when the response is composed.
> Jeanfrancois Arcand skrev:
>> Hi,
>> Gustav Trede wrote:
>>> Jeanfrancois:
>>>> + If the connection is idle for more than 30 seconds, then Grizzly
>>>> close it.
>>>> + if the number of request made on a single connection exceed 250,
>>>> grizzly close the connection.
>>> I can do several 1000 operations as described on default settings
>>> without having any socket closed.
>>> (thats when gzip is enabled for http. without gzip, connections are
>>> closed like mad )
>>> Your missing that im using wsit client.
>>> You wanted to know what TCP vs HTTP means.
>>> There is TCP and HTTP available in wsit you know ?.
>>> the 250 limit does not exist . so please dont state that as a fact.
>> I see, you means SOAP over TCP ;-). Right, no limit.
>>> and no that has nothing to do with this problem.
>>> did you even read my mail ?.
>> LOL. Do you really think peoples will help you if you write flame like
>> that? ;-)
>> I will let the WSIT team read your mail then ;-)
>> -- Jeanfrancois