Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at a few K HTTP gzip operations from a single client.

From: Gustav Trede <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 21:05:24 +0200

> + If the connection is idle for more than 30 seconds, then Grizzly
> close it.
> + if the number of request made on a single connection exceed 250,
> grizzly close the connection.

I can do several 1000 operations as described on default settings
without having any socket closed.
(thats when gzip is enabled for http. without gzip, connections are
closed like mad )

Your missing that im using wsit client.
You wanted to know what TCP vs HTTP means.
There is TCP and HTTP available in wsit you know ?.

the 250 limit does not exist . so please dont state that as a fact.

and no that has nothing to do with this problem.

did you even read my mail ?.
