v3 Build Issues: Meeting Minutes

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 16:41:16 -0700


Below are minutes from today's v3 build issues meeting.

      * svn conversion
              * glassfish v3 will switch from cvs to svn as the scm
                system. Plan is to complete the conversion of the cvs
                repo by next Tuesday. More details to follow.
              * Reasons for the scm switch are documented in the v3
                Source Code Management wiki page and here:
              * The longer term plan is to migrate a module at a time
                from svn to hg. Details to follow as they become
              * Updated v2 build instructions have been posted
              * Dinesh will send additional instructions to the
                glassfish dev alias, after hearing from Abhijit.
      * update on brown bag preparation
              * svn: Tentative plan is for Dinesh to do svn Brown Bag on
                Tuesday, Oct 29th.
              * maven: plan is for Paul to do an Intro to Maven Brown
                Bag on Thursday, Nov 1st.
