Re: Major problem with JNDI at webapp start

From: Lilianne E. Blaze <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 00:08:07 +0200

Peter Williams wrote:
> Are you absolutely sure that the static initializer in this case in
> not invoked before the Filter.init() method? Without checking the spec
> to be certain, I suspect that
Well, I am absolutely sure it _is_.
> InitialContext is not available until Filter.init() is fired and that
> in your case something else is loading this file prematurely. See SRV
> for a (possibly) related comment on the use of static
> initializers.
> FWIW, In a small example, I successfully loaded the environment entry
> via a static initializer in a class referenced only via a
> Filter.init() method. It also worked well in an @Resource injection
> annotation in the filter class itself.
> -Peter

Here are fragments of a simple test case I just wrote:

public class NewSimpleFilter implements Filter

private TestJndi testJndi = new TestJndi(); // *

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig)
testJndi.doSomething(); // **

public class TestJndi {


public void doSomething()
System.out.println("Doing something.");

static public void doTest()
System.out.println("*TESTJNDI* - start");
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
String value = (String)envCtx.lookup("xxx/test");
System.out.println("value = \"" + value + "\"");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("*TESTJNDI* - end");


As you see, doTest() gets called twice, first from line marked "*",
second from within Filter.init. On Tomcat both tests succeed. On
Glassfish first one fails, second succeeds.

SRV You mean this: "SRV. Tool Considerations
The triggering of static initialization methods when a tool loads and
introspects a
web application is to be distinguished from the calling of the init
method. Developers
should not assume a servlet is in an active container runtime until the init
method of the Servlet interface is called. For example, a servlet should
not try to
establish connections to databases or Enterprise JavaBeans™ containers
when only
static (class) initialization methods have been invoked."?

Well, that would explain it. Swell.

Is there anything that can be done about it?

Greetings, Lilianne E. Blaze