Re: GlassFish Gem for Rails [WAS Re: GlassFish gem feature requests/bugs]

From: Charles Oliver Nutter <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 08:14:41 +0200

Changshin Lee wrote:
> Hi Charlie,
> Thanks for your tip. Now SpringBook works fine, but I need one more
> feature: support loading jar files from a Rails project. Actually
> Goldspike supports lib/java directory for the purpose, but Grizzly JRuby
> connector and GF V3 doesn't.

The lib/java thing in GoldSpike is more a side effect of how it builds
the WAR file. If you want jars to be picked up by the glassfish gem
deployment model, you have two options currently:

1. put them in JRuby's lib dir; they'll be added to classpath
automatically on startup
2. put them in <rails root>/lib and add require 'whatever.jar' to

Both should work fine. Is something more formal needed?

- Charlie