Re: questions asked at Glassfish pod during Boston Tech Days

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:26:57 -0700

I'll do a quick pass...

> * A few persons wanted to see lists of who (companies) are using GF.
> We showed them the page, but is there a more
> comprehensive list?

We are working on doing an upgrade to that list. Oneo f the problems is
that some of the big companies are not necessarily comfortable with
sharing what they are using. But stay tuned, we are doing a push on that.

> * Others asked for statistics on the market share of GF compared to
> other Application Servers.

There a number of surveys and they all are showing improvements. The
tricky part is that there is a substantial lag in the surveys. By the
time ZDNet or Evans Surveys show the result they are at least 6 months
old. To boot, Evans Surverys NAD (North American Developer Survey)
changed the format and it is extra old. I'm very much looking forward
to the updated percentages to see where we are.

In the meantime, check out these...

> * Why is glassfish named glassfish?

Transparent development!

> * Does the portal server run on GF?


> * Does run on GF?

No currently. Java.Net is mostly running on outsourced CollabNet
machinery and it has not changed for a while. They do not run on
GlassFish, to my knowledge.

We run GF on a few pieces of Java.Net. For example:

> * Does GF support Ajax?

Yes. Via JSF, jMaki, etc.

Hope this helps

        - eduard/o

Tom Amiro wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to share questions we were asked by attendees at our Glassfish
> pod during Boston Tech Days. For some, I'd like to get back to the
> person with a good answer; for others, it just would be good to know more.
> * Is there a way to secure communication between client and service
> without having to manually install certificates on systems? Maybe
> an API to create certificates or a way to dynamically establish trust?
> * Is there a simple way to change the admin user's password using
> the Admin Console?
> * In reference to the Clusterjsp demo we showed, one attendee asked
> what are instances and is there any legitimate use for having a
> cluster on a single machine?
> * One very interested person asked, do you have a sales kit,
> promotional material, brochure, fliers, datasheet, etc that I can
> take to my management to get them interested in GF?
> * Does GF have something comparable to IBM's JAM plugin to support
> mainframe updates?
> * For load balancing, does GF have a plugin for Apache web server?
> Tom