Re: Invalid property syntax

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:13:06 -0700

I created the pool as:

-- cut here --
create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname
com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource --r
estype javax.sql.DataSource --property
://localhost/railstest_development jdbc/railstestpool
Command create-jdbc-connection-pool executed successfully.
-- cut here --

and created password.file as:

-- cut here --
C:\testbed\glassfish\rc4\glassfish\bin>more password.file
-- cut here --

I'm not sure this is right because the admin password is "adminadmin".
Then tried pinging the pool gives the following error:

-- cut here --
C:\testbed\glassfish\rc4\glassfish\bin>asadmin ping-connection-pool
--user arun --passwordfile password.file jdbc/railstestpool
Invalid user or password
CLI137 Command ping-connection-pool failed.
-- cut here --

The server log shows

-- cut here --
t: Authentication refused for [arun].|#]

555-42d4-4477-ae4f-f6331f99b59c;|Web login failed: Login failed:
auth.login.LoginException: Failed file login for arun.|#]
-- cut here --

What's missing ?


Jagadish Prasath Ramu wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 23:36 -0700, Arun Gupta wrote:
>> A follow up question is that ping-connection-pool command is failing.
>> C:\testbed\glassfish\rc4\glassfish\bin>asadmin ping-connection-pool
>> --user arun
>> --interactive=true jdbc/railstestpool
>> Invalid user or password
>> CLI137 Command ping-connection-pool failed.
>> The doc says --passwordfile should refer to a file with all keys
>> starting from AS_ADMIN_. What suffix do I use for specifying this password ?
>> -Arun
>> Jagadish Prasath Ramu wrote:
>>> I'm assuming the URL that you want to set is :
>>> jdbc:mysql:://localhost/railstest_development
>>> Following syntax will help to create the connection pool.
>>> asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname
>>> com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MyqlConnectionPoolDataSource --restype
>>> javax.sql.DataSource --property "User=root:Password=root:URL=jdbc\:mysql
>>> \:\://localhost/railstest_development" jdbc/railstestpool
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Jagadish
>>> On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 21:28 -0700, Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>> I'm tyring to create a JDBC connection pool through command line and
>>>> getting the following error:
>>>> -- cut here --
>>>> C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool
>>>> --datasourceclassname
>>>> com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MyqlConnectionPoolDataSource --restype
>>>> javax.sql.DataSource --property
>>>> User=root:Password=root:URL=jdbc\\:mysql:\\://localhost/railstest_development
>>>> jdbc/railstestpool
>>>> Usage: create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname classname
>>>> [--terse=fals
>>>> e] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port
>>>> 4848|4849] [--
>>>> secure | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--restype
>>>> res_type]
>>>> [--steadypoolsize 8] [--maxpoolsize 32] [--maxwait 60000]
>>>> [--poolresize 2] [--i
>>>> dletimeout 300] [--isolationlevel isolation_level]
>>>> [--isisolationguaranteed] [--
>>>> isconnectvalidatereq=false] [--validationmethod auto-commit]
>>>> [--validationtable
>>>> tablename] [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
>>>> [--nontra
>>>> nsactionalconnections=false] [--description text] [--property
>>>> (name=value)[:name
>>>> =value]*] jdbc_connection_pool_id
>>>> CLI131 Invalid property syntax.
>>>> -- cut here --
>>>> The error message is probably valid but of no help. What's missing ?
>>>> -Arun
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