Re: Releasing the glassfish gem, or at least open-sourcing it enough for others

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:57:15 -0700

You already are, right? DEV is a public list :-)

        - eduard/o

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> Charles
>>> Can you try the gem at
>>> let me know if it works for you too then we''ll make noise
>> It's working for me. I'm guessing we're going to find various little
>> bugs as we go, but it will be great to get this out there for people
>> to try.
>> I noticed it says "Building native extensions" on install. What is
>> that all about?
>> And is --no-wrappers still necessary?
> And can I start making noise?
> - Charlie
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