Re: Injection to HttpSessionBindingListener and HttpSessionActivationListener

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:33:46 -0700

Dianne Jiao wrote:

> Hi, Jan,
> Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>> Hi Cheng,
>> Cheng Fang wrote:
>>> JavaEE Platform Spec states injection is supported in all web
>>> application listeners, without listing all
>>> the listener classes. Various Sun docs [1] list the following 7
>>> listeners that support injection:
>>> javax.servlet.ServletContextListener
>>> javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener
>>> javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener
>>> javax.servlet.ServletRequestAttributeListener
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener
>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener
>>> Among the 7 listeners, HttpSessionBindingListener is different than
>>> the other 6. It is implemented by
>>> application types that are to be stored in session. An
>>> HttpSessionBindingListener type is usually created
>>> by application, not by the container. So it's hardly a
>>> container-managed component. Is injection really required by the
>>> spec, and supported in glassfish for HttpSessionBindingListener?
>>> Also missing from the above list is HttpSessionActivationListener,
>>> which is similar to
>>> HttpSessionBindingListener in that both interfaces are implemented
>>> by interested
>>> session attributes. I would image they should be treated the same
>>> for injection purpose.
>>> When I tried to inject resources into a HttpSessionBindingListener
>>> class, it was silently ignored. The
>>> same resources can be successfully injected into other 6 web event
>>> listeners.
>>> Did anyone get injections into HttpSessionBindingListener or
>>> HttpSessionActivationListener
>>> working?
>> Looks like a bug in the spec to me.
>> I agree with you that neither HttpSessionBindingListener nor
>> HttpSessionActivationListener
>> instances are container-managed (they are instantiated by the app and
>> stored in the session),
>> and therefore, I don't see how they could be candidates for injection
>> by the container.
>> I don't think there are any TCKs for this (I don't see how there
>> could be), but I'm cc'ing Dianne
>> to confirm.
> Just checked again, the Servlet spec does not require resource
> injection of both the following:
> - HttpSessionBindingListener
> - HttpSessionActivationListener. So there are no TCK tests for this.

Great! Thanks for verifying, Dianne!

I just checked the Servlet spec myself and confirmed that it does not
list HttpSessionBindingListener or HttpSessionActivationListener as
eligible for injection. So we're safe on the spec side.

So the confusion is caused by the tutorials/articles only, which is easier
to fix.
