Re: Releasing the glassfish gem, or at least open-sourcing it enough for others

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:42:08 -0700

I blogged about it at:

I've been asked few times about it as well. If all the code is in
current repository, can we check out the code now, build it and blog
about it ?


Jerome Dochez wrote:
> I agree, we are (still) switching to the Hg repository so it gets a
> little complicated right now to check out the code (more to follow),
> however everything has been in the old cvs repository for quite some
> time so people can (could) do it as soon as Hg repository is open.
> Once we have all the Hg stuff up, I will blog on how to build your own gem.
> Now, longer term, what about that gem repository, I lost track of that.
> wouldn't that be the easiest delivery mode ?
> On Aug 31, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Hey...folks have been asking me where they can get the glassfish Ruby
>> gem. If we can't get a binary released (which still has bugs anyway)
>> we ought to try to expose the gem build so others can try it out,
>> build their own, and submit fixes.
>> Thoughts?
>> - Charlie
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