GlassFish source bundle ??

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:23:17 -0700

At the beta3 download page [1], there is a link [2] to download the
associated source bundle as well. Couple of comments about that ...

1). Seems like this source bundle provides all the build.xmls, config
files etc. to be able to regenerate the binary. Can we provide another
source bundle that provides only the source code (*.java) so that it can
be attached to a debugger ?

2). This bundle seems to be incomplete as it is a snapshot of top-level
glassfish directory. The user is still responsible for getting the
source code of all other technologies, for example WSIT. And even for
that, there are no clear links. [3] takes to some random page talking
about Web services deployment.

How can I get the "all" the source code for binaries shipped with a
particular GlassFish version ? Other artifacts such as build.xml,
nbprojects are not required but may be present.


Technology Evangelist
Web Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems, Inc.