Re: PU with TX Type JTA

From: Lance J. Andersen <Lance.Andersen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 06:46:00 -0400

Hi Arun,

There are a bunch of blogs similar to what u are suggesting already and
a few good articles on

download the app from the blog on i just put together on JPA,
netbeans and webstart, perhaps that will help answer some of your questions


Arun Gupta wrote:
> cil
> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Sorry, I means if you want to use EntityTransaction, you need to have
>> EMF injected/lookedup.
> I'm just trying to create a JPA Hello World using NetBeans IDE and
> then blog about it and I'd like to do it the easiest way :) Injection,
> to me, is better than hand-creating a TX!
>> Do you mean you don't see the data in the table or the table being
>> created?
> Yep, neither the table and of course no data.
>> To get the former, you need transactions to commit the changes, to
>> get the latter, you need to use provider-specific tools. Do you use
>> GlassFish with Toplink Essentials?
> Yes
>> If yes, and you use CLI to deploy your app, you can just specify
>> --dropandcreatetables=true on the asadmin
> persistence.xml has:
> <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
> And I'd like to the deployment from NetBeans, not CLI.
> What else ?
> -Arun
>> deploy. Otherwise, you'd need to set the provider-specific properties
>> in the persistence.xml file.
>> HTH,
>> -marina
>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>> Cool! Changing my code to:
>>> -- cut here --
>>> @PersistenceUnit(unitName="JavaLibrary1PU")
>>> private EntityManagerFactory emf;
>>> EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
>>> // em.getTransaction().begin();
>>> Company c = new Company("1", "AAA Co", (float)10.0,
>>> (float)2.0, (float)10.0, "Jun 15, 2007");
>>> em.persist(c);
>>> out.println("Persisting to the source ...");
>>> // em.getTransaction().commit();
>>> out.println("and now committed!");
>>> -- cut here --
>>> got away with that error and my web page now shows
>>> "Persisting to the source ... and now committed!"
>>> But I do not see the Table in the database URL identified in
>>> persistence.xml. What could be wrong ?
>>> -Arun
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>> Arun,
>>>> The exceptions are right - you can't mix and match the access
>>>> types. You need to either inject an EMF via @PersistenceUnit, and
>>>> then create an EM or use UserTransaction for the transaction
>>>> boundaries.
>>>> regards,
>>>> -marina
>>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>>> Ok, I figured out how to set the transaction type (manually edit
>>>>> persistence.xml). But now I'm getting:
>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>> Exception Description: Cannot use an EntityTransaction while using
>>>>> JTA.
>>>>> at
>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.transaction.JTATransactionWrapper.getTransaction(
>>>>> at
>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerImpl.getTransaction(
>>>>> at
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.util.EntityManagerWrapper.getTransaction(
>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>> Here is my code for a WebApplication:
>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>> @PersistenceContext(unitName="JavaLibrary1PU")
>>>>> EntityManager em;
>>>>> em.getTransaction();
>>>>> Company c = new Company("1", "AAA Co", (float)10.0,
>>>>> (float)2.0, (float)10.0, "Jun 15, 2007");
>>>>> em.persist(c);
>>>>> out.println("Persisting to the source ...");
>>>>> em.getTransaction().commit();
>>>>> out.println("and now committed!");
>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>> What is missing ?
>>>>> -Arun
>>>>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>>>>> Here is a great error message I see when deploying an error:
>>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>>> Deploying application in domain failed; Deployment Error -- The
>>>>>> persistence-context-ref-name [sample.NewServlet/em] in module
>>>>>> [C:\Users\Arun Gupta\WebApplication5\build\web] resolves to a
>>>>>> persistence unit called [JavaLibrary1PU] which is of type
>>>>>> RESOURCE_LOCAL. Only persistence units with transaction type JTA
>>>>>> can be used as a container managed entity manager. Please verify
>>>>>> your application.
>>>>>> -- cut here --
>>>>>> Little detailed but very clearly conveys what is possibly wrong
>>>>>> in the application. Now how do I fix it when generating this PU
>>>>>> in NB ?
>>>>>> -Arun
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